Streamline your MBRs and reviews

Orchestrate your team’s internal review and reporting cadences with Brev’s AI-generated artifacts.

Why Brev?

Focus meetings on driving action, not reading out results.

71% of meetings are cited as unproductive. Organizations with 1-400 employees can save 2.5M per year by eliminating unnecessary meetings.

Reduce 90% of meeting 
prep time

Cut out the prep time pulling data and pinging individuals for context.

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Reduce unproductive meetings by 35% across teams

Today, employees spend 31 hours per month in unnecessary meetings.

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Pre-reads improve meeting effectiveness by 2X

Shift meetings to focus on decision making and driving action.

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Supercharge your team's internal reviews

No need to spend hours extracting data from multiple systems to pull together your reviews and reports.

Apply your data

Pull in data in two clicks from the tools you already use.

Select your template

Simplified templates customized for your teams.

Generate with AI

Let Brev do the busy work while you guide and tailor your artifact.

Integrated with the tools your teams love to use

We connect to your data stack to pull out the progress, insights and trends so you can focus your time on taking action.


Glean insights from unstructured data

Capture learnings and insights without the manual effort of combing through handfuls of tools.